
Customer testimonials speak for those times when we given some exceptional and recognized service. We want to take this opportunity to thank the folks who took the time for this positive feedback.

Hornbeck 13501 Barge Crew Sep 08, 2014

[The] crew that came aboard yesterday was very professional and knowledgeable of the jobs they were repairing. Not to mention the cleanliness after doing each job your guys showed their professionalism in every manner.. ★★★★★

August 2014 Ranger Offshore Aug 13, 2014

Another project well done! Bludworth has a great crew and Bill is our most favorite on site, not withstanding the management. ★★★★★

Stacey Smith, Vitus Marine Oct 07, 2011

Sincere thanks for all your great help throughout the construction project. It was an absolute pleasure to meet & work with you. Please don't forget your Alaskan friends. ★★★★★

Garden State - Andrew C. G., Chief Engineer Jun 23, 2010

"Garry, Thank you for your help. We all appreciated you efforts and your understanding of the importance of this repair. TEAM Garden State owes you a tremendous high 5." ★★★★★

Joe F. Megeed, OSG Assistant Technical Superintendent Jun 23, 2010

"All in all we were quite satisfied with the service from Bludworth; the guys were cooperative, pleasant and seemed to do a good job." ★★★★★

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